Resistances. On dealing with Racism in Bern

Widerstande Foto 1

In 2019, a mural in a Bern primary school sparked a controversial debate on racism and the city’s colonial legacy, which intensified in the summer of 2020 as Black Lives Matter protests swept the globe. Local authorities, the media, education and cultural institutions, as well as individuals, were at odds as to whose interpretation mattered and what should be done about the mural’s racist imagery. Following an open competition, the city of Bern announced that they would adopt the proposal made by the “Das Wandbild muss weg!” association, who called for the mural to be removed from the school and put in a museum. This would enable a broader audience to engage with the conversation on racism in Bern – both past and present. Four years later, the mural has become part of Bernisches Historisches Museum’s collection.

The Exhibition by the association “Das Wandbild muss weg!”

“Das Wandbild muss weg!” association has been invited to curate an exhibition around the mural, which highlights enduring colonial influences and historically racist structures that persist to this day, as well as offering thought-provoking insights as we consider how we as a society should deal with the cultural legacy of colonialism.

Under the links and you will find a glossary (in German) that serves as a guide to visitors of the exhibition ‘Resistances: On Dealing with Racism in Bern’. It contains a collection of terms that are used in the exhibition or that informed discussions as the concept was being developed.

Opening times

  • Monday
    • closed
  • Tuesday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Friday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday
    • 10:00 - 17:00

Admission prices

  • Tarif de base Enfants de 6 à 16 ans
    CHF 16
  • Basic rate Children from 6 to 16
    CHF 8

Free admission for:

Visitors with a Swiss Museum Pass, Museums-PASS-Musées, Museumscard Bern 24h, or Kultur-GA
School classes from Switzerland
Refugees with N, S, or F residence permits

For more information about concessions, please visit

Temporary Exhibition


More information / Tickets at:


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