Nature Lab

NMBE EroeffnungNaturlabor 3478
© NMBE/Rodriguez

The interactive Exhibition shows visitors how living organisms relate to each other, who benefits from or is in competition with whom, and how effective cooperation works.

Every organism employs different strategies to survive and protect its offspring. Each one is connected to others and is part of a highly complex and often sensitive ecosystem. Visitors can discover for themselves what this means: looking through the microscope at lichens, for example, reveals that the cooperation (symbiosis) between fungi and algae produces completely new organisms. It soon becomes clear that fungi are much more exciting than many people might suppose – their symbiosis with plants is a widespread phenomenon and forms the basis for functioning systems.

At digital stations, visitors discover different habitats and get to alter them by making calculated changes. In exploration mode, they can delve even deeper, discovering who is related to whom and how. This reveals how even ostensibly minor interventions in nature can have a negative impact on the overall system, and vice versa: even tiny adjustments have the potential to achieve positive effects.

Opening times

  • Monday
    • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday
    • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday
    • 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday
    • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday
    • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday
    • 10:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday
    • 10:00 - 17:00

Admission prices

  • adults
    CHF 12.00
  • students, senior citizens, handicapped persons
    CHF 10.00
  • groups of 10 and more persons
    CHF 10.00
  • children and youths (up to 16)
    free entry
  • schools up to «Sek II»
    free entry
  • members of the Natural History Museum Society
    CHF 4.00
  • with Kultur LEGI card
    CHF 4.00
  • with Schweizer Museumspass, Museums Pass Musée, Raiffeisen card MemberPlus, Kultur-GA
    free entry
  • refugees with identity cards N, S, F
    free entry

Interactive Exhibition


Permanent exhibition

More information / Tickets at:


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