Kitchen Talks on Monday. Ingredients for a joint organisation and programme development

... from the kitchen of Waag Futurelab, Amsterdam

Mo 14 November 2022, 7 p.m. 

With Imme Ruarus (in English)

Waag Futurelab conducts research on technology and society using participatory methods. The focus of the Waag Labs is on co-creation, citizen science and iterative approaches.

Yehudi Menuhin Forum Bern, Helvetiaplatz 6, 3005 Bern
Barrier-free access (by prior arrangement)

The evening lectures are open to the public and free of charge

What ingredients will the Museumsquartier Bern choose to cook with?
In Kitchen Talks, professionals across the board talk about their company kitchen and the innovative forms of organisational development and participatory programming they are cooking up.

Further dates: 21.11.